2024-2025 Online Registration

To COMPLETE online registration for your BACC class, you must have a computer with internet access, a District 87 Skyward Family or Parent Access Account, and a valid e-mail address for the parent or guardian completing the process. If you do not have access to a computer with internet access, you can contact the Bloomington Area Career Center office to have paperwork mailed to your home. If your home district uses Skyward, you will not be able to use that login information to access your BACC Skyward account.

You will need to complete registration at BOTH your HOME SCHOOL and the BACC.

You should have received or will be receiving a letter along with your username and password. If you cannot remember your username and password, please click on "forgot your login/password?" link on the skyward login page. You can Email BACC with any questions.

You can access 2024-2025 Online Registration here